
本文內容已被 [ sportwoman ] 在 2012-04-17 21:09:02 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.
回答: (錄音)900句第47課sportwoman2012-04-16 20:01:58


First of all,  I haven’t spoken Cantonese and Hakka and the other dialect for a long time, so I am not sure if I can still make the speech flow smoothly as I did before.  And to be honest, I am neither good at Chinese, nor am I anywhere near proficient in English, so that is why I am here to learn from you guys, my friends!  However, Chinese is my first language, so I have no problem  making you understand me, although I have a quite strong accent in Mandarin, well, no sweat, with my body language talent if we can talk  in person I am confident that we will have a smooth conversation. And for English, I will feel easier to present things that I have learned via this English. And speaking of writing, when I write Chinese, I sometimes can’t find the right pinying, so this is a drag. In addition, I have a problem in organizing my thoughts when I write both in Chinese and English, because my train of thoughts sometimes can go fast in no directions--it could go whichever direction my brain or my hands desire, so I think sometimes you might think I am crazy, and I think my writing skills remain problematic so I will work hard on my writing as well.  Furthermore, when I write or speak in English, I sometimes might do it backwards or the other way around, making my listeners get lost, not to follow my drift.  Other than these, I am cool.  Thank you for your concerns!

