謝謝小千的點評, 見內。

本帖於 2012-04-11 11:09:30 時間, 由版主 林貝卡 編輯



我聽了一些您的帖子。一句話. I am so impressed.




661. I can’t believe I said (這個“d”在說快的時候很難餘出音節給它,但它代表時態,不能不處理。在我聽來,這裏明顯缺了1/4拍兒的音節。老外都拿短促的“休止符”來處理。舌頭稍微頂一下上齶,這個1/4休止符就出來了。) something that stupid at the party.

// This is the first thing I realized after the recording. :) It is exactly as what you said.


667. My ex-girlfriend told (元音“O”嘴型一定是張開的、圓的,"l"也是發出來的,所以在音節的處理上比普通音節要長一點。你讀的聽著是“t氂攙”,900句原文朗誦這裏可以明顯的聽出“Ol”的處理。同理:old, gold, cold, fold...) everyone at the party about me.

// "L" in the middle and at the end of a word is also I am trying to improve. But haven't develped the muscle memory for it yet.


674. Still you shouldn’t stop doing something you liked just because of one incident. 

// I am afraid this is the only thing I'd like to appeal, I had the "ed" in the recording. Maybe it wasn't very well recorded. For this, I blame my microphobne. :)

Again, I really appreciate your comments, 小千。
