回複:*=*=* 《每日一句漢譯英》*=*=* 責任篇

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回答: *=*=* 《每日一句漢譯英》*=*=* 責任篇NewVoice2011-11-13 17:56:31

當你考慮到在這個院子裏的我們都被給予了什麽的時候 - 天賦,特權,機會 - 世界有權向我們索要的東西就幾乎沒有限製。

In consideration of what we have been endowed with by being on campus- talent, privilege and opportunity-what the world is entitled to request from us could be almost limitless.

When you think about what we have been given by staying in this school-talent, privilege and opportunity-what the world is entitled to ask from us is almost limitless.
