Every day I confronted a constant series of challenges that tested everything I'd ever studied.
"After I graduated medical school, I worked as an intern in an emergency room. Nothing I'd learned in school prepared me. Every day I confronted a constant series of challenges that tested everything I'd ever studied. The little sleep I had to function on also contributed to this being the greatest test of my life. What a BAPTISM BY FIRE!"
這段話是說: 從醫學院畢業後,我在急診室做見習醫生。在學校所學的一切都無法讓我輕鬆勝任這個工作。每天我都會遇到一個接一個的挑戰,檢驗我在學校所學的全部知識。而且我每天隻能睡一小會兒覺。這一切使實習醫生的歲月成為我人生中最嚴峻的考驗。真是火的洗禮啊!
URL: http://www.freexinwen.com/chinese/eng/eng25/eng25-001.asp