my try

回答: *=*=* 《每日一句漢譯英》*=*=*newton1232011-10-17 19:13:35

當季莫申科(Yulia  Tymoshenko)被判刑的消息傳出來時,烏克蘭(Ukraine)首都基輔(Kiev)街頭上的抗議群眾和鎮暴警察發生推擠。法庭還判決,季莫申科必須償還烏克蘭在與俄羅斯天然氣交易中損失的1億9000萬美元。

When the news of Yulia tymosheko came out, there were so many protestors fighted with police in street of Kiev, the capital of Ukrain; The court also decided that Yulia Tymoshnko has to pay back the loss of 190 million US dollars from the natural gas deal between Ukraine and Russia. 


