翻譯 選擇職業

來源: bolang 2011-09-02 22:45:01 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (4546 bytes)
回答: 【翻譯聽寫】練習之十五 -- 選擇職業EnLearner2011-08-28 20:02:08


Choosing the career

Your Majesty,

     I was busy on various duties these days, and not able reply to you earlier. I apologize for the delays.    

  To me, a person’s primary responsibility is to be independent,  to avoid burden others with his own livings.  Besides that, learning to do valuable work precisely and deliberately in the society, its self, is an important education, the effect will show in other careers. The habits,  which you still work on thing you are not interested even when you would rather to do others,  is very precious. If I have had cultivated the habit when I was young, I could have avoided the massive waste of time.

Any achievement in science, need outstanding capability, diligence and energy. If you have the above characters, you can find yourself a position in science by spending your spare time beside your routine work in commerce. If you do not, you would be better stick to commerce. The worst thing in the world is as the young man in Scotland tale “ did not finish the spoon, but destroyed the  lamb horn” and  become the  sorry apology person in literature or science.  You can become an useful and valuable person to the society if you can go to do other job.

  I recommend you to share this letter with your father.

 Sincerely, Yours,

T.H Huxley




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