
回答: lesson 20 hiking 我來打頭當靶子i9992011-08-30 01:10:44

286. My feet are sore from hiking. (覺得元音可以再長些)

287. We can rest at the top of this hill. (好像有些接近hale的讀音了)
288. I like hiking in real wilderness.
289. Hiking is not yet popular in China.

290. The trail splits into two trails.

291. The rest of the way is downhill.

292. Be careful of the slippery rocks.

293. Is your pack comfortable?

294. I hate people who litter in the forest.

295. Too much noise scares the animals away.

296. How much farther do we have to go?

297. It seems like we’ve been walking forever.

298. Sorry, I didn’t realize you were getting so tired.

299. This view is absolutely breathtaking. Don’t you agree? (似乎TAKING可以再讀輕一些,STRESS放前麵的BREATH)
300. It’s a feeling of satisfaction that we are getting so much exercise and clean air, and see so many magnificent sights. (See後麵的停頓稍微大了點)


謝熊熊! -i999- 給 i999 發送悄悄話 i999 的博客首頁 (120 bytes) () 08/30/2011 postreply 13:27:01

原來是這樣啊,謝謝啦,又學東西了!:) -小麥熊- 給 小麥熊 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/30/2011 postreply 13:38:56
