
來源: jennea 2011-08-29 21:47:52 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (5055 bytes)
回答: 【翻譯聽寫】練習之十五 -- 選擇職業EnLearner2011-08-28 20:02:08

依我看來,一個.人的首要職責是設法自立,以免除別人對他生活的負擔。 此外,學會嚴謹而審慎地從事社會上有實際價值的工作,其本身就是一種非常重要的教育,其效果必將體現在所有別的事業上。在你寧願做其他事情的時候,卻仍能 夠從事你不感興趣的工作,這種習慣是十分可貴的。要是我在年輕時養成了這種習慣,就可以避免時間上驚人的浪費。
任何科學事業上的成就,都需要 具有不尋常的才能、勤勉和精力。你若具有上述資質,你在日常商業工作之餘,將有足夠的閑暇為自己在科學界覓得立足之地。你若不具有那種資質,還是一心經商 為宜。天下最不足取的事情,莫過於一個年輕人如同蘇格蘭諺語所說的那樣,"匙子沒做成,倒毀了羊角,"成為在文學或科學領域裏濫竽充數的食客,要是去從事 其他工作的話,他或許會成為社會上有用和有價值的一員。 


Dear Excellency,
I am terribly sorry that I didn’t reply earlier because I was busy with all kinds of stuff.
In my humble opinion, a person’s first and foremost responsibility is to try to be independent, in order to avoid being a burden to others. Besides, To learn to perform your work rigorously and prudently is a very important education which would have profound effects on your career. When you would rather do something else, but you could still continue the work in which you are not interested, you will cultivate a valuable habit. If I could have developd this habit from a young age, I would be able to avoid significant waste in time. (這個中文翻譯實在是啊!!!)
Any achievements in scientific career would require unusual telnet, diligence and effort. If you possess above qualifications, you will have enough ability to find your place in science community. If not, you better get into business instead. The saddest thing for a young person is, like this old Scottish saying puts it, “The ape that imitates man's walking loses his own gait“, ”to go for wool and come back shorn“, i.e., to become  someone who is in area of science or literature just to make number. If he could conduct business somewhere else, he might become a more valuable member of society.

I think you should let your father read this. (媽呀)

Sincerely yours,



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