my translation homework

回答: 【翻譯聽寫】練習之十五 -- 選擇職業EnLearner2011-08-28 20:02:08


Dear Sir

My apologies for not replying sooner as I have been busy with various matters recently.  In my view, the most important responsibility of a human being is to be self-dependent so as to not becoming the burden of others. In addition, learning to conduct meaningful work diligently and dutifully is by itself an important education which holds its effects on other careers. It is a valuable ability of doing what you are not really interested in while your preference is something else. If I had had this good habit when I was young, I would have avoided huge waste of time.


Any achievement in science acquires various outstanding talents, diligence and energy. If you possess those qualities, you will have enough time to pursue career in science outside of your daily business routine. However if you do not have those qualities, you are better off staying in the business world. The most undesirable thing in the world is none other than what’s said in a Scottish proverb – made no spoon while horn wasted. A mediocre in the field of art and science might be a valuable individual of the society if he pursues other careers.


I think this letter should be read by your father.




依 我看來,一個人的首要職責是設法自立,以免除別人對他生活的負擔。此外,學會嚴謹而審慎地從事社會上有實際價值的工作,其本身就是一種非常重要的教育,其 效果必將體現在所有別的事業上。在你寧願做其他事情的時候,卻仍能夠從事你不感興趣的工作,這種習慣是十分可貴的。要是我在年輕時養成了這種習慣,就可以 避免時間上驚人的浪費。



