The origin of modern science can probably be retrospected to the era of Roger Bacon. Roger Bacon was born in 1214, and died in 1292. He was a famous monk and philosopher in Oxford. He perhaps was the first one in medieval times who pointed out that people must study science via observing things around us. Roger Bacon had lots of preeminent discoveries of his own. Galileo, however, was the most famous one of several great scientists three hundred years later. In Italy, France, Germany and England, those scientists gradually made people believe that many truths could be found through appropriate observation. Before Galileo, researchers believed, according to Aristotle, that big objects fell on the ground faster than small ones. But Galileo proved to some his friends Aristotle was wrong by taking them to watch an experiment. Galileo threw two stones in different volumes from the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa, and the two stones fell on the around simultaneously. It is Galileo’s spirit, proving our judgments and theories by doing experiments directly in the nature that led to all the great discoveries of modern science.
回複:【翻譯聽寫】練習之十三 -- 科學實驗的重要性
• Good translation. -EnLearner- ♀ (493 bytes) () 08/17/2011 postreply 21:02:58