讀的很好,我怎莫覺得你每次的風格都有大的變化呢? 小磚。。

回答: Lesson 16 Marriage. Bricks are very welcome!beautifulwind2011-08-07 21:19:28

句尾最後一個單詞pitch 最低,很好。但是28,229,234,235等很多句最後一個單詞讀的太重。感覺很多句子最重音都在最後一個單詞。

226. We’ve been married for fourteen years.

227. Are you still married?

228. They got married last year.

229. We were married in a church.

230. We had a small wedding.

231. Next week is our twentieth anniversary.中間不要停

232. We invited all our friends to the wedding.

233. It’s nice to be married.

234. My wife is from Chicago.

235. We don’t want to have kids anytime soon.

236. I cannot imagine spending the rest of my life with any one else.

237. Not many people can say that they’ve made it to their golden wedding anniversary. 意群中間不連貫

238. There’s nothing sadder than a bitter divorce.

239. It was also good that they could easily agree how to fairly divide up the marital property.

240. Nevertheless, I still think it’s heartbreaking when a marriage splits up.重音在前麵
