回複:one more comment

回答: one more comment非文學青年2011-08-02 10:50:50

Yes,  we can say:  looks like, is like.

alike 要簡單一些.

but I looked at some examples,  most of the case alike always be used when 主語是複數。


I was referring to your use of "like" in these sentences: -非文學青年- 給 非文學青年 發送悄悄話 非文學青年 的博客首頁 (231 bytes) () 08/02/2011 postreply 13:45:59

回複:I was referring to your use of "like" in these sentences: -bolang- 給 bolang 發送悄悄話 (78 bytes) () 08/03/2011 postreply 14:56:56
