補交作業- 紅色的已經改過

來源: bolang 2011-07-21 11:48:32 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (20308 bytes)

Translation: 翻譯

  First snow is falling down,  so beautiful. It falls silently all nights all days, falls to the hills, falls to the grasses, falls to the roof of livings, falls to the graves of deads. Among all the white, only rivers draw black curves on the beatiful picture;  The bare trees, which standing by the grey sky  , shows various styles with all branches cross each other.   It is so peaceful and silent when the firt snow falls. All sounds are dying down,  all noises are turned to smooth music.  No horse steps sound, no car rolling sound. Only the bell of the snowboard makes harmonic music,  the happy rythms are like the heart beat of the children.

The First snow 聽寫

  The first snow came, how beautiful it was, falling so silently all day long, all night long,   on the mountains,   on the meadows,   on the roof of the living,  on the graves of the dead.   All white save the  river, that  marked its course  by winding black line across the landscape;  and the leafless trees,  that against the  leaden  sky now  revealed more  fully the wonderful beauty and intricacies of their branches.  What silence,  too,  came with the snow,   what is  seclusion ,    every sound was muffles,   every noise changed to something soft and musical,  no more tramping hoofs,  no more rattling wheels.    Only the chiming of sleigh  bells,  beating  as swift as and merily as the hearts of the children.



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