首先,請允許我先快速簡單介紹一下我自己,我是一位受過良好高等教育的(某行業的)professional, 作為一個**(我的title),受雇於本地一家有名的大機構現已超過xx 年。
Your honour,
First of all, please allow me to quickly introduce myself. I am a well-educated **** (my professional field) professional. I have been employed by a well-known large local organization as a **** for more than xx years now.
2,由於我是移民,英語不是我的母語,我的職業和生活中都很少需要用英語交流,所以雖然我已在本地生活了**年,我對loiter 和loitering 的理解隻能來自有名的英語字典和維基百科,New Oxford America Dictionary 和Oxford Language 對loiter 的解釋是 stand or wait around idly or without apparent purpose. 維基百科對loitering 的解釋是,Loitering is the act of standing or waiting around idly without purpose in some public places.
Since I am an immigrant, English is not my native language. And I rarely need to communicate in English in my career and daily life, Therefore, although I have lived in here for ** years, my understanding of loiter and loitering can only come from famous English dictionaries and Wikipedia. The New Oxford America Dictionary and Oxford Language explain loiter as stand or wait around idly or without apparent purpose. Wikipedia explains loitering as, Loitering is the act of standing or waiting around idly without purpose in some public places.
3, 在罰單上所引用的市政交通附例中,沒有對loiter 和loitering 有特殊的定義,故我認為字典和維基百科對loiter 和loitering 的定義適用於罰單所引用的市政交通附例。在市政交通附例中,隻有sec#* sub.sec# * 明確寫著沒有人可以在公交車上或公交所屬地loiter. 整個附例中沒有任何一個部分寫在你想乘坐的公交車到來時,你必須馬上乘坐你想要乘坐的公交車,這就是說,如果一個人計劃要搭公交但在候車廳裏錯過幾趟他/她想乘搭的車並沒有違反市政交通附例關於對loitering 的規定
In the **** (本市名)Municipal Transportation Bylaw cited in the ticket, there is no specific definition of loiter and loitering, so I think the dictionaries and Wikipedia’s definitions of loiter and loitering apply to the Bylaw cited in the ticket. In the Bylaw, only sec#* sub.sec#* explicitly states that No person shall loiter on any transit vehicle or transit property. There is no any other section in the entire bylaw states that you must take the transit vehicle you want to take immediately when the vehicle you want to take arrives, which means that if a person plans to take the transit vehicle but misses several transit vehicles he/she wants to take on the transit property , it does not violate the Municipal Transportation Bylaw's regulations regarding to the loitering.
4, 雖然我確實在候車廳裏有大約一個多小時,但我是有計劃要乘車去某地的,盡管我想乘的車也確實有來過幾趟,而我沒有乘坐那些車,這一點,可以通過我曾告訴過peace officers 我想去哪裏來證明
Although I was in the waiting shelter on the train station platform for about an hour, I did had a plan to go to ***Station by the train, and although the train I wanted to take did come several times, I did not take any of them, which can be proved by the fact that I had told the peace officers where I wanted to go when they asked me.
終上所述,我不認為我有違反市政交通附例中對loitering 的規定。但是,如果您認為我對loiter and loitering 的理解有誤,您認為我的行為確實屬於loitering, 我請求您考慮到我是初犯,而且是因為不懂loitering 的明確定義而引起的,給予從輕處判。謝謝
In conclusion, I do not think I have violated the loitering regulations according to the Municipal Traffic Bylaw.
However, if you think that my understanding of loiter and loitering is wrong and you think that my act indeed was loitering, I plead you to consider the fact that I am a first-time offender and that it was caused by me not understanding the clear meaning of loitering, So to give me a lighter sentence. Thank you very much
那天晚上我本是計劃乘公交車去某地的,所以才在候車廳裏等車,在等車期間,我順帶用iPad pro上網,當時發現我喜歡上的一個網上論壇的成員們紛紛在帖 他們本人的照片, 這個論壇的成員來自世界各地,很多人都是名校包括著名的藤校畢業的成功的職場精英,我對他們非常仰慕,加上我天性好奇心很強, 一直很想知道他們都長什麽樣,但以前始終沒有機會見到他們的真人照片,所以當終於有機會能看到他們的真人照片時,我自然就不想錯過這個機會, 於是就留在候車廳裏看他們帖照片。這裏有幾點我想解釋一下,第一,我的iPad pro 沒有data plan, 我上網是用車站旁邊的快餐店***的Wifi 的,如果我上了公交車,我就無法上網了。 第二, 那個論壇的成員們有個習慣,他們通常都不會把自己本人的照片貼在論壇上很長時間,多數人都是隻帖幾分鍾有些甚至幾秒後就把照片刪了,所以我擔心如果我上了車的話,肯定就會錯過不少人的照片。
i was planning to take the train to go to *** Station that night, so I was waiting for the train in the waiting shelter. While waiting for the train, I used my iPad pro to surf the Internet. At that time, I found that the members of an online forum I liked were posting their own photos. The members of this forum are from all over the world. Many of them are very successful and intelligent elites who graduated from famous universities , including famous Ivy League. I admire them very much. And plus , I am a very curious person by nature. I always wanted to know what those members looked like, but I never had the opportunity to see their real photos before. So when I finally had the opportunity to see their real photos, I naturally didn’t want to miss this opportunity, so I stayed in the shelter to watch them posting photos.
There are a few points I want to explain here.
First, my iPad pro does not have a data plan. So I had to use the Wifi of the fast food restaurant next to the station to surf the Internet. So I would not be able to surf the Internet if I took the train. Secondly, the members of that forum have a habit. They usually don’t post their own photos on the forum for very long, Most people only post for a few minutes, and some even just a few seconds and then they delete the photos. So I was afraid that I would definitely miss a lot of people’s photos if I took the train.
我在本市居住**年,感覺本地治安一直很好,雖然近幾年也時有聽新聞說這幾年治安變差,但我經常一個人在半夜有時甚至淩晨2,3 ,4 點在大街上走,從來沒有發生什麽問題, 所以一直不害怕深夜獨行,盡管我也經常在很多地方見到有不少homeless, 記得我剛移民來本市時,還曾問過本地人他們是否害怕那些homeless. 他們說,不怕,因為那些homeless 多數都不會bother you, 而以我以後我多年的經曆發現,那些本地人說的對,那些homeless 確實一般不會bother you, 所以我對他們的態度是,如果能避免近距離接觸就盡量避免,但如果在有些時候不能避免,隻要沒有明顯的安全威脅,其實也不必過於緊張,例如像那晚,非常冷,如果不在候車廳裏,不戴手套的話,手會立刻凍僵, 而當時同在候車廳的另一個女子,雖然她看上去有點像homeless, 但是她非常瘦弱,體型大概隻有我的一半, 我感覺不到會有任何安全威脅,所以一點都沒感到害怕和她那麽近距離地在一起
I have lived in this city for ** years, and I feel that the local security has always been very good. Although I have heard news reports that the security has deteriorated in recent years, I often walk alone on the street in the middle of the night, sometimes even at 2, 3, or 4 am in the morning, and I have never had any problems. So I have never been afraid of walking alone late at night, although I often see many homeless people in many places. I remember when I first immigrated to this city, I asked some local people if they were afraid of those homeless people. They said no, because most of homeless people would not bother you. And with my many years of experience afterwards, I found that those local people I asked before were right. Those homelss generally would not bother you. So my view towards homeless is to avoid close contact as much as possible if you can, but if you can't avoid at some times, as long as there is no obvious safety threat, you don't have to be too nervous. For example, that night, it was very cold. If you were not in the shelter and didn’t wear gloves, your hands would freeze immediately. And although the other woman inside of the shelter I was in at that time looked like a homeless, she was very thin and looked like very weak, and her body size is probably only about half of my size, so I didn't feel any safety threat, so I wasn't scared at all to be so close to her.