承蒙老貓為首,以及其他人的指點,我們給房東,以書麵的notice漏水必須立刻修理。 外加去市政府housing department做了備案。housing立刻安排了inspector到我家,open file表明漏水確鑿,(除了漏水,還有一搬進來就不工作的烤箱,破損的冰箱架子,不工作的車庫remoter等等。。)並且他們和房東電話了,給出1周的期限,否則我們郡的規定是:政府直接將房東告上法庭。
結果是,房東過去10年出租這個房子,並沒有向政府備案,也沒有取得政府的certified,(我們郡還必須要求,如果房東本人不在當地,必須在當地找一個代理人)通俗講,這就叫“黑著租”? 然後房東突然今天給我們郵件,說收到政府無數郵件,告訴他已經違反了無數code,政府要對他罰款,於是他寫了超級長郵件,節選一段,意思是這些事實都是:我們“想象”出來的。(imagined health violations )請問大家,10年黑租,一般政府要對房東罰款多少?還有,房東莫名其妙在結尾評價Cleveland都是poor和dangerous,到底是要幹嘛?
Yesterday I received multiple notices from the building department of Cleveland with attended fees for supposed critical violations of their code. I have concluded that my suspicions regarding your documentation of imagined health violations were a buildup to reporting out of code violations at the site to government . It is in my interest to maintain the value of the unit. I have not experienced such actions of a tenant. Please read the lease as I have mentioned to you so that we can work together to solve your complaints. At this point we have to clear the air and now there is a third party to complicate possible solutions. When I first came to Cleveland to find a residence for my son who started ............, I was appalled at the poor and dangerous condition of so many rentals so I purchased a property and have owned......since it was new .
3,我們的極品房東,還是說他2天前已經聯係了plumber,但是從來沒有plumbing公司聯係我們。他要一口把plumbing的漏水,指責到我們negligence,說這一次他請來的plumber要對漏水全麵檢查,如果問題是因為我們失職造成,If my plumber during his next visit to the unit reports damage to the plumbing due to your negligence, then I expect that you will complete needed repairs and reimburse me for the last service call.