我的房子的driveway挨著鄰居的後院,前任房主和鄰居的前任房主在2000年達成了Easement Agreement,就是可以允許鄰居使用driveway,但鄰居必須負責driveway的landscaping和維護。實際上鄰居並沒有管,都是我們自己負責的。最近鄰居說要使用Driveway修她家的Swimming Pool。我們從County調到了當年的Agreement,感覺不可能反對她用。但是非常擔心工人在Driveway有受傷什麽的,或者產生任何法律糾紛,會由我們負責,在Agreement是這樣寫的“
”Indemnification: the owners hereby indemnify each other for all losses or damages, including reasonable attonrney's fees, incurred by either as a result of any suits, damages, injuries or claims for personal injury or death or property damage brought or arising out of the other's, their respective successors or assigns or their respective licensees, guests, or invitees' use of the Access Driveway. Provieded however that niether party indemnifies the other against liability that is covered ( or would be covered, if ostained) by the liability insurance policies requred under section xx. " 從"Provided"開始,最後一句是手寫,有點看不清楚。我反複看了,不太確認自己能正確理解這段文字。請問這段是說,鄰居使用driveway時發生任何問題由她自己負責,而我們沒有任何liability的問題嗎?