我於去年在New Jersey租房, 合同從08/01/2014 到7/31/2015(lease上的日期),我在合同終止日期前2個星期前口頭通知(到租房辦公室)房東到合同終止日搬出,房東讓7月30日4點以前交鑰匙,我在7月30日2:oopm把鑰匙給了房東。現在的問題是房東扣了我一個月的deposit以及要我交8月的房租。理由是我沒有給他2 個月的書麵notice. 我在我的lease裏找到這樣的一段原話:This rental agreement shall automatically renew the first of every month subject tothe same terms and conditions, unless either the tenant or the landlord shall give written notice to the other terminating the tenancy, said notice to be effective the first day of the anniversary date of the end of the lease and must be in written notice must be served upon the other party at least two months prior to the proposed date ending of the tenancy/lease agreement.
以及County of Camden, State of New Jersey, for a of twelve(12) months terms, begining on the 08/01/2014 day of the month, and ending on the 7/31/2015 day of month, to be used and occupied as a private dwelling for the tenant. 在lease的封麵上也標有THIS IS A 12 MONTH LEASE。