I left my company 3 month ago because the manager played dirty game around.
When I looked for the new job, I got lots of opportunities because I had pretty good experience. However, I never really got a chance. Any time, if I was interview by company B, the company A that was already in the interview process would stop the interview process immediately. When you are looking for a job, you always apply for many poistions at same time. I am not sure whether there is a league for all companies?
10 days ago, there were 3 companies sending me email about the job opportunity. But the interview schedule took more than 4 days until I pushed them with a few emails. The strange thing is that 3 confirmation email arrived almost the same time, around 9:00PM PDT. But the time on email were 10 hours early, around 4:00AM tommorow. All 3 emails have the same similar time stamp. It shows that there is a coordinator behind
Many interviews only asked the questions for my previous company. They looked like the faked interviews.
I have been annoyed by such a situation. Any on can give good idea for legal action?
Thanks in advance.