wikipedia 裏有關 superweeds 的詞條沒有實質內容,而是指向 Roundup(herbicide)。裏邊的相關內容在此:
Several weed species, known as superweeds, have developed Roundup resistance largely because of repeated exposure.[10]
Resistance to Roundup
Resistance evolves after a weed population has been subjected to intense selection pressure in the form of repeated use of a single herbicide.[66][67] These weeds resistant to the herbicide have been called "Superweeds".[68][69] In the US 7 to 10 million acres (40,000 km2) of soil is afflicted by those superweeds.[70]
The first documented cases of weed resistance to glyphosate were found in Australia, involving rigid ryegrass near Orange, New South Wales.[71] Some farmers in the United States have expressed concern that weeds are now developing with glyphosate resistance, with 13 states now reporting resistance, and this poses a problem to many farmers, including cotton farmers, that are now heavily dependent on glyphosate to control weeds.[72][73] Farmers associations are now reporting 103 biotypes of weeds within 63 weed species with herbicide resistance.[72][73] This problem is likely to be exacerbated by the use of Roundup Ready crops.[74] Fifteen weed species have been confirmed as resistant to glyphosate.[66]
原來這個“超級雜草”根本和轉基因沒什麽直接的關係。隻要有 Roundup,就有可能產生超級雜草,也就是雜草對除草劑產生了耐藥性。