這就是說他認為我的公證翻譯那頁的格式不合格吧?如果我把出生公證書的第一頁文中自己翻譯,然後按照美國的格式寫:Certification by Translator
Certification by Translator
-Just ask your friend to translate it into English and go to the Notary Public (e.g. bank) to notarize your friend's signature. Your friend also need to write a statement addressing that he/she knows both Chinese and English well and the translation is accurate. Your friend also needs t provide his/her contact information in the statement.
• 回複:回複:回複:回複:急問!申請綠卡過程中,能把從中國帶來的公證書第一頁再自己翻譯做notary嗎? -cateye123- ♀ (304 bytes) () 05/26/2014 postreply 17:08:04
• 回複:回複:回複:回複:回複:急問!申請綠卡過程中,能把從中國帶來的公證書第一頁再自己翻譯做notary嗎? -863211- ♂ (562 bytes) () 05/26/2014 postreply 17:44:34
• 回複:回複:回複:回複:回複:回複:急問!申請綠卡過程中,能把從中國帶來的公證書第一頁再自己翻譯做notary嗎? -cateye123- ♀ (1523 bytes) () 05/26/2014 postreply 22:48:43
• 回複:回複:回複:回複:回複:回複:回複:急問!申請綠卡過程中,能把從中國帶來的公證書第一頁再自己翻譯做notary嗎? -863211- ♂ (1877 bytes) () 05/27/2014 postreply 13:41:23
• 回複:回複:回複:回複:回複:回複:回複:回複:急問!申請綠卡過程中,能把從中國帶來的公證書第一頁再自己翻譯做notary嗎? -cateye123- ♀ (21 bytes) () 05/27/2014 postreply 14:53:28