NIH: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Treatment Guidelines

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Last Updated: February 11, 2021
   Summary Recommendations
   Vitamin C
There is insufficient evidence for the COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel (the Panel) to recommend either for or against the use of vitamin C for the treatment of COVID-19.
Vitamin D
• There is insufficient evidence for the Panel to recommend either for or against the use of vitamin D for the treatment of COVID-19.
There is insufficient evidence for the Panel to recommend either for or against the use of zinc for the treatment of COVID-19.
The Panel recommends against using zinc supplementation above the recommended dietary allowance for the prevention of COVID-19, except in a clinical trial (BIII).
   Rating of Recommendations: A = Strong; B = Moderate; C = Optional
Rating of Evidence: I = One or more randomized trials without major limitations; IIa = Other randomized trials or subgroup analyses of randomized trials; IIb = Nonrandomized trials or observational cohort studies; III = Expert opinion





謝謝, 人不可開生命的玩笑! -street0120003- 給 street0120003 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/17/2021 postreply 08:04:54

我從另外一個角度看,如果真的早就”加上“VC等,也許能挽救不少人的生命 -dudaan- 給 dudaan 發送悄悄話 dudaan 的博客首頁 (275 bytes) () 09/17/2021 postreply 08:49:54

我一直在用大劑量VC對付感冒類症狀,效果不錯。NIH一向謹慎求證,確實有效且無(大)害的才推薦。美國人思維:不禁的,便可用 -fuz- 給 fuz 發送悄悄話 fuz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/17/2021 postreply 09:01:48

啥意思?那支持C,D,鋅增加免疫力的說法嗎? -外鄉人- 給 外鄉人 發送悄悄話 外鄉人 的博客首頁 (53 bytes) () 09/17/2021 postreply 09:12:53

哈哈哈,辛迪的帖子還需要費這勁? -外鄉人- 給 外鄉人 發送悄悄話 外鄉人 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/17/2021 postreply 09:15:48

有些人隻是因為缺某種維生素導致免疫力不足,補充該維生素後,自然效果不錯,就宣傳某維生素能有效對抗某疾病,其實都不具有普遍性。 -紅燒茄子-- 給 紅燒茄子- 發送悄悄話 (553 bytes) () 09/17/2021 postreply 09:52:29

德國數十年前用超大劑量維生素C治療帶狀皰疹,100%有效,100%無後遺疼痛 -dudaan- 給 dudaan 發送悄悄話 dudaan 的博客首頁 (318 bytes) () 09/17/2021 postreply 11:37:38

你說過, 用5克多, 是吧? -kingfish2010- 給 kingfish2010 發送悄悄話 kingfish2010 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/17/2021 postreply 13:43:06

靜脈注射 -dudaan- 給 dudaan 發送悄悄話 dudaan 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/17/2021 postreply 15:45:40



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