Sloan Kettering 的科學家 說 mRNA 本身增加癌症風險

來源: nowayitsover 2021-03-09 08:20:56 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (4275 bytes)
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mRNA 疫苗的mRNA有沒有致癌風險? 文章說需要有獨立研究。大家看看有沒有道理

There’s a secret layer of information in your cells called messenger RNA, that’s located between DNA and proteins, that serves as a critical link. Now, in a medical shocker to the whole world of vaccine philosophy, scientists at Sloan Kettering found that mRNA itself carries cancer CAUSING changes – changes that genetic tests don’t even analyze, flying completely under the radar of oncologists across the globe.

So now, it’s time for independent laboratories that are not vaccine manufacturers (or hired by them) to run diagnostic testing on the Covid vaccine series and find out if these are cancer-driving inoculations that, once the series is complete, will cause cancer tumors in the vaccinated masses who have all rushed out to get the jab out of fear and propaganda influence. Welcome to the world of experimental and dirty vaccines known as mRNA “technology.”

Previously unknown cancer driving messengers are hiding in RNA, not DNA

This mind-blowing discovery should be published on every medical news site, newspaper, television news broadcast and on the CDC website, but unless you are reading this article and use DuckDuckGo as your search engine, you probably wouldn’t ever see it. That’s because Google is in on the fix, with Big Pharma and the VIC – the vaccine industrial complex. So here’s a more in-depth explanation of what we’re looking at, for real, regarding mRNA and vaccines.

The information carrying molecule, messenger RNA, can instruct human cells ultimately in the same way as cancer drivers, playing a major role in causing cancer to thrive while inactivating natural tumor-suppressing proteins the human body creates to save you from cancer. This is the complete opposite of what the CDC and the vaccine manufactures are telling everyone right now about the Covid vaccines, and this is based on clinical research by molecular biologists at the Sloan Kettering Institute.

Even sequencing the DNA in cancer cells doesn’t reveal these changes, that’s how sneaky the vaccines are. It’s like a Trojan horse that tells your cells to allow these changes to be made, as if they were safe, but they’re not. All assumptions being made about mRNA being ‘safe’ right now have been completely turned 180 degrees with this research. Consider this very carefully if you have not yet been vaccinated with mRNA technology, and you may want to ‘lawyer-up’ if you already got the jabs.

After your Covid vaccination, RNA is transported out of your cell’s nucleus, and will no longer function properly as a cancer tumor suppressor



這個說法來自這樣的網友:不懂而亂猜疑 -吃與活- 給 吃與活 發送悄悄話 吃與活 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2021 postreply 08:25:58

展開說說? 我的理解,文章說科學家確認人體內可引起癌症的是mRNA -nowayitsover- 給 nowayitsover 發送悄悄話 nowayitsover 的博客首頁 (1006 bytes) () 03/09/2021 postreply 08:36:13

此技術是在輔助某些治療,激發人體免疫反應的名下早就開始於若幹年前的。癌症是 -julie116- 給 julie116 發送悄悄話 julie116 的博客首頁 (148 bytes) () 03/09/2021 postreply 09:09:48

看這兩篇文章。都一個反應2006的研究領域。側麵分析一下效果。 -julie116- 給 julie116 發送悄悄話 julie116 的博客首頁 (890 bytes) () 03/09/2021 postreply 09:45:12

最近blubird的一個基因研發藥病人出現癌症,股價暴跌。 -nowayitsover- 給 nowayitsover 發送悄悄話 nowayitsover 的博客首頁 (129 bytes) () 03/09/2021 postreply 16:13:06

不是專業人士。但是研究這麽多年一直規模上不了市是有原因的。通過相對低死亡率病毒突破是聰明之舉。第二篇提到 -julie116- 給 julie116 發送悄悄話 julie116 的博客首頁 (53 bytes) () 03/09/2021 postreply 16:51:34

我們每天吃各種各樣的mRNA吧 -難得糊塗一次- 給 難得糊塗一次 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2021 postreply 16:59:56

煮了吃和注射效果一樣?據說mRNA疫苗要低溫保存。 -nowayitsover- 給 nowayitsover 發送悄悄話 nowayitsover 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2021 postreply 21:11:33

推薦這個相關內容廣播節目。通俗易懂 -山水一程歌- 給 山水一程歌 發送悄悄話 (216 bytes) () 03/09/2021 postreply 08:38:12

這個作者是給名人寫自傳的,financial advisor, policy advocate, national defens -julie116- 給 julie116 發送悄悄話 julie116 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2021 postreply 09:05:28

有相關文字嗎,文字可以一目十行。 -nowayitsover- 給 nowayitsover 發送悄悄話 nowayitsover 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2021 postreply 16:19:43

這裏 -山水一程歌- 給 山水一程歌 發送悄悄話 (300 bytes) () 03/10/2021 postreply 10:02:22

這個網站的標題就是反智的,還能讓人說啥 -lucky_rain- 給 lucky_rain 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2021 postreply 09:04:37

啥叫反智? -nowayitsover- 給 nowayitsover 發送悄悄話 nowayitsover 的博客首頁 (282 bytes) () 03/09/2021 postreply 16:18:38

此R非彼R。這種移花接木、瞞天過海的事你也信? -fuz- 給 fuz 發送悄悄話 fuz 的博客首頁 (1942 bytes) () 03/09/2021 postreply 10:02:47

謝謝夫子解惑,不過還是沒明白,沒覺得和文章內容矛盾啊? -nowayitsover- 給 nowayitsover 發送悄悄話 nowayitsover 的博客首頁 (94 bytes) () 03/09/2021 postreply 16:22:05

主貼第一句是啥意思?:“ mRNA 疫苗的作用,把mRNA釋放出來了,可能增加癌症風險”。你這麽寫,不是張冠李戴,誤導大眾麽? -fuz- 給 fuz 發送悄悄話 fuz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2021 postreply 16:26:28

OK,我改一下,原先說的不對。 -nowayitsover- 給 nowayitsover 發送悄悄話 nowayitsover 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2021 postreply 16:48:17

上麵回帖裏已經講得很明白了,每個細胞中有成千上萬種mRNA, 各有個的作用,怎麽可以混為一談 -fuz- 給 fuz 發送悄悄話 fuz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2021 postreply 16:39:19

仔細讀了一下,文章的作者問的是這個注射進去的mRNA會不會致癌,他的邏輯是一般的mRNA都有致癌作用。 -nowayitsover- 給 nowayitsover 發送悄悄話 nowayitsover 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2021 postreply 16:55:51

我覺得文章裏的這個問題很valid,隻是現在不可能有答案。 -nowayitsover- 給 nowayitsover 發送悄悄話 nowayitsover 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2021 postreply 21:28:16



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