跑步能量來自脂肪和糖原(glycogen), 慢跑能量主要取自脂肪, 而高速跑則消耗糖原, 隻要控製好配速, 爭取跑40-60分鍾, 減脂效果還是比較明顯.
最近研究表明, 跑步40-60分鍾就能獲得絕大部分鍛煉效果, 跑全馬對健康影響還是有爭議的, 但是不運動, 不健身的生活方式是最不健康的.
“the gains of life expectancy are capped at around three extra years, no matter how much people run.” ......"improvements in life expectancy reach their peak at about four hours of running per week, but they did not decline. Meanwhile, walking, cycling, and other activities boosted lifespan, but not at the same rate."
能跑20分鍾, 跑60分那是指日可待
• 給你點讚!!登高而歌,一覽眾山小。太帥了!!太帥了! -舞女- ♀ (310 bytes) () 11/18/2017 postreply 22:18:54
• 謝謝鼓勵, 絕對同意適合自己, 自己喜愛的運動是最好的 -瞎走瞎拍- ♂ (100 bytes) () 11/19/2017 postreply 05:47:23