另外,他們的英國同行對該文持有不同意見:Oxford University researchers are among a group of infectious disease experts to argue that the advice that patients should complete a course of antibiotics is not supported by evidence and should be dropped.
The analysis, which was led by Professor Martin Llewellyn of Brighton and Sussex Medical School, was done for the Antibiotic Review Kit (ARK)-Hospital PGfAR programme, and for the NIHR’s Health Protection Research Unit at Oxford University.
Professor Lucy Yardley, who is also leading the development of the ARK intervention to reduce duration of antibiotic use in hospitals,, said:
“For common bacterial infections no evidence exists that stopping antibiotic treatment early increases a patient’s risk of resistant infection, yet the complete the course message is still widely believed. A better message would be that antibiotics are a precious resource that should not be used for longer than is necessary.”
The research team are calling for more research determine the most effective strategies for optimising the duration of antibiotic treatment.
(from https://www.phc.ox.ac.uk/news/has-the-antibiotic-course-had-its-day )
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