
來源: 虎嗅薔薇 2017-01-21 14:39:32 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1943 bytes)
本文內容已被 [ 虎嗅薔薇 ] 在 2017-01-22 10:59:51 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.


而且,加州法律規定, 如果某人明知自己不是美國公民而去非法參加選舉,此人當犯法處理。根本就不是免責的。


"Existing law makes it a crime for a person to willfully cause, procure, or allow himself or herself or any other person to be registered as a voter, knowing that he or she or that other person is not entitled to registration. Existing law also makes it a crime to fraudulently vote or attempt to vote.

This bill would provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of the California New Motor Voter Program in the absence of a violation by that person of the crime described above, that person’s registration shall be presumed to have been effected with official authorization and not the fault of that person. The bill would also provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of this program, and that person votes or attempts to vote in an election held after the effective date of the person’s registration, that person shall be presumed to have acted with official authorization and is not guilty of fraudulently voting or attempting to vote, unless that person willfully votes or attempts to vote knowing that he or she is not entitled to vote."




我覺得投票不查駕照本身就是個大問題。 -viewfinder- 給 viewfinder 發送悄悄話 viewfinder 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/21/2017 postreply 14:49:06

個別產生漏洞是可能的,但是不能說是大規模有意鼓勵非法投票。目前有很多州不要求投票時出示駕照。應該不都是藍州 -虎嗅薔薇- 給 虎嗅薔薇 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/21/2017 postreply 15:02:07

俺們旁邊的PA就不要求。是費城的民主黨鬧的。 -viewfinder- 給 viewfinder 發送悄悄話 viewfinder 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/21/2017 postreply 15:09:24

不會明麵上鼓勵,畢竟是明顯違反憲法的事。但為了選票,縱容甚至暗地創造條件也不是不可能。 -viewfinder- 給 viewfinder 發送悄悄話 viewfinder 的博客首頁 (137 bytes) () 01/21/2017 postreply 15:15:06

是兩黨之爭, 競選策略的一部分,反對出示駕照的,或是要求出示的,都有自己的agenda,都有“electioneering”嫌疑 -虎嗅薔薇- 給 虎嗅薔薇 發送悄悄話 (2512 bytes) () 01/21/2017 postreply 15:33:38

Alex Padilla, California’s secretary of state 的說明: -虎嗅薔薇- 給 虎嗅薔薇 發送悄悄話 (1387 bytes) () 01/21/2017 postreply 14:53:23



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