鼓掌鼓掌, 不過, 所有weight bearing的運動都有助於維持骨質密度

回答: 中年健身101:怎麽開這個頭為寫而寫2016-09-27 22:03:59

所有weight bearing的運動都有助於維持骨質密度, 徒步, 負重, 球類,健身操,。。。。。肌肉的拉伸/人體的震動牽扯到骨骼對骨骼產生一定負壓的,都有助於維持骨質密度。

另外,There is no proof that running burns more fat than jogging and walking. In fact, walking a mile may burn more fat than running a mile. This is because when walking the body’s metabolism has time "to switch from burning carbohydrates to burning fat."  If you are looking to burn calories, running is the way to go. To run a mile will burn sugar, or carbohydrates. 嗬嗬



