


  1. 環境重金屬:銅、鐵、鋅可能通過形成自由基損害神經細胞;在細胞內積聚導致細胞變性;與帕金森病的發生有關,鈣離子拮抗藥氟桂嗪可引起帕金森綜合征。
  2. 飲食:攝入動物脂肪可能促進帕金森病的發生。



Exercise in middle age reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease later in life.[7] Caffeine also appears protective with a greater decrease in risk occurring with a larger intake of caffeinated beverages such as coffee.[64] Although tobacco smoke causes adverse health effects, decreases life expectancy and quality of life, it may reduce the risk of PD by a third when compared to non-smokers.[46] The basis for this effect is not known, but possibilities include an effect of nicotine as a dopamine stimulant.[46][65] Tobacco smoke contains compounds that act as MAO inhibitors that also might contribute to this effect.[66]

Antioxidants, such as vitamins C and D, have been proposed to protect against the disease but results of studies have been contradictory and no positive effect has been proven.[46] The results regarding fat and fatty acids have been contradictory, with various studies reporting protective effects, risk-increasing effects or no effects.[46] Also, there have been preliminary indications of a possible protective role of estrogens and anti-inflammatory drugs.[46]
