謝謝鼓勵。急性腎髒損傷(Acute Kidney Injury, AKI)原因很多,飲食中的磷主要是在腎功能下降後應該注意的。
2016-03-14 08:08:01
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Major causes of AKI include:
- Decreased blood flow to the kidneys. This can result from:
- Hypotension (low blood pressure) or shock
- Blood or fluid loss (e.g., bleeding, severe diarrhea)
- Heart attack, heart failure, and other conditions leading to decreased heart function
- Organ failure (e.g., heart, liver)
- Use of NSAIDs (e.g., ibuprofen, naproxen)
- Severe allergic (anaphylactic) reactions
- Burns
- Injury
- Major surgery
- Direct damage to the kidneys. Some examples include:
- Acute glomerulonephritis (inflammation and damage to the kidney glomerular membrane) such as lupus nephritis
- Acute interstitial nephritis (allergic reaction that can be caused by several drugs)
- Acute tubular necrosis (inflammation and damage to the kidney tubules from having low blood flow to the kidneys for a long time or toxic effects from drugs, heavy metals, or contrast dye used in imaging studies)
- Vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels) such as Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (rare blood vessel disease)
- Sepsis (total body response against infection which can cause poor organ function or poor blood flow)
- Thrombotic microangiopathy (damage to the cells that line the smallest blood vessels of the kidney)
- Multiple myeloma (plasma cell cancer)
- Scleroderma (connective tissue disease)
- Blockage of the urinary tract. Blockage can result from:
- Bladder, prostate, or cervical cancer
- Enlarged prostate
- Neurogenic bladder (problems with the nervous system that affect the bladder and urination)
- Kidney stones
- Blood clots in the urinary tract
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謝謝鼓勵。急性腎髒損傷(Acute Kidney Injury, AKI)原因很多,飲食中的磷主要是在腎功能下降後應該注意的。