我同意那文章裏說的疫苗,GDP, 教育程度, 醫療設施對降低嬰幼兒死亡率很有用,我是100% for疫苗的。 不過疫苗對早產兒,新生兒死亡率沒什麽用。 美國以前Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)死亡率很高,研究多多,以為是遺傳病等等。。。不得其解,後來發現是因為兒科界指導家長讓小孩臉朝下睡引起的,一改成朝天睡,馬上SIDS死亡率降了》50%。 上海沒有這個問題, 因為小孩一直睡改良蠟燭包,始終朝天睡。。。 這個就是文化的差異。。。我們早產兒一直比較少,可能和懷孕時父母的自律有關。。。計劃生育後, 每個懷孕都金貴,產前檢查熱火朝天,另外, 我們也不忌諱人流,死胎是不算進預期壽命裏的。。。所以因素挺多的,我們這兒有經驗老道的產科醫生, 她們做圍產期的話, 肯定比我講的好:)
We have made great progress in reducing SIDS. The largest decline in SIDS rates occurred between 1992 and 1999. Between 1994, when the Safe to Sleep® campaign (formerly known as the Back to Sleep campaign) started, and 1999, the overall SIDS rate in the United States dropped by more than 50%. During that same time period, the rates of back sleeping more than doubled:
U.S. SIDS Rate and Sleep Position, 1988—2010 (Deaths per 1,000 Live Births)