癌變需要oncogene和tumor suppressor都(不是同時)出錯,幾乎是cancer cell biologists

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癌變需要oncogene和tumor suppressor都(不是同時)出錯,幾乎是cancer cell biologists的共識,您可以自己去查,恕不提供文獻。如您不信,也沒有問題。



One of the teams, led by Akhilesh Pandey from Johns Hopkins University, identified and annotated proteins encoded by 17,294 genes -- that accounts for around 84 percent of all the genes in the human genome that are predicted to encode proteins (that number is estimated at 19,629, if you’re curious). The team extracted proteins from samples of 30 different tissues, then used enzymes to cut them into small pieces called peptides. They ran the peptides through a series of instruments to identify and measure their relative abundance.

The other team, led by Bernhard Kuster of Technische Universit?t München (TUM) in Germany, assembled protein evidence for over 18,000 genes (or 92 percent of the entire proteome) by compiling raw mass spec data from databases and other analyses that were already available. These include a core of 10,000–12,000 proteins expressed in several different tissues, and to fill in the gaps, they generated their own mass spec data by analyzing 60 human tissues, 13 body fluids, and 147 cancer cell lines.




兩者的變異即非充分也非必要條件, -壯士- 給 壯士 發送悄悄話 (215 bytes) () 08/15/2015 postreply 20:13:17

謝謝討論。 -越王- 給 越王 發送悄悄話 越王 的博客首頁 (176 bytes) () 08/15/2015 postreply 20:35:46
