BNP is not an important parameter to diagnose heart failure.
Although Brain Natriuretic Peptide can be one of the indicators for heart failure, while here it was more likely for the doctor to know whether the perfusion volume was proper or just good enough for this patient since the dialysis machine often requires a large blood volume to go though.
When atrium of a heart got overloaded, the atrium would release Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) to help diuretic. When ventricle of a heart got overloaded, then ventricle would release Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP). The doctor wanted to know weather the perfusion volume was O.K. since the patient had edema at lower extremeries. If the doctor really wanted to find out heart failure for this patient, he should have had got an ultrasonic technician to measure the the remaining volume of the left ventricle and the ejection percentage.
For dialysis patient, BNP is not a good parameter to diagnose heart failure, rather, a good parameter for the perfusion load. The doctor measured BNP for his technique need.
I agreed with Betadine's Opinion - BNP is not an important param
This patient is doing better now
(1659 bytes)
05/09/2015 postreply
An I.V blood given could help the patient further improvement
(330 bytes)
05/09/2015 postreply
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05/09/2015 postreply
The doctor's words suggesting him to retire
(961 bytes)
05/09/2015 postreply
Orehek 醫生說的那句想怎麽享受就怎麽享受的話讓胖子聽出了絕望。他是很聽醫生的話的, 馬上就
(262 bytes)
05/09/2015 postreply
謝謝禦醫解惑, 今天被胖子支使出醫院辦事去了, 沒有見到Orehek 醫生, 明天見到他一定按您的指教問清楚
(184 bytes)
05/09/2015 postreply
BNP is not only released from brain, but also from the ventricle
(234 bytes)
05/09/2015 postreply
Mainly, the doctor wanted to find out whether his design of dial
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05/09/2015 postreply
是啊, 也不知道腎醫Prior小組裏是不是合議做胖子的透析方案, 還是誰當班就誰做主。到目前為止, 效果不錯。
(363 bytes)
05/09/2015 postreply
隻要不至於心衰就好。即便是心衰不要命也能接受。如果僅僅隻是因為之前volume overload, 那就邊治著腎, 邊觀察著
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05/09/2015 postreply
Keep going and watching. So far so good. I am expecting his rec
(115 bytes)
05/09/2015 postreply
你的金口禦言真是太讓人喜出望外了。眼下沒有心衰的跡象, 您的擲地有聲的金口神斷可讓我們的心情直衝雲宵了!!!
(76 bytes)
05/09/2015 postreply
Don't trust any one on the earth, only trust the one on the sky.
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05/09/2015 postreply
遠水解不了近渴, 上帝離的太遠, 抓住您這個救命稻草肯定是不撒手了。胖子有沒有心衰都沒事,
(65 bytes)
05/09/2015 postreply