來源: http://read.plash.in/2014/12/29/top-10-things-can-today-happier-backed-science-3/
1. 多鍛煉,7分鍾就夠(Exercise more – 7 minutes might be enough)
releasing proteins and endorphins that make us feel happier, as you can see in the image below.
2. 睡足,會少些負麵情緒(Sleep more – you’ll be less sensitive to negative emotions)
3. 離上班地點近一些,好過一棟豪宅(Move closer to work – a short commute is worth more than a big house)
4. 與家人朋友一起(Spend time with friends and family – don’t regret it on your deathbed)
5. 到戶外(晴天,溫度為13.9℃)(Go outside – happiness is maximized at 13.9°C )
6. 幫助別人(一年100小時最佳)(Help others – 100 hours a year is the magical number.)
7. 練習微笑,可緩解疼痛(Practice smiling – it can alleviate pain)
8. 計劃旅行(但不去)(Plan a trip – but don’t take one)
9. 冥想(Meditate – rewire your brain for happiness)
Meditation literally clears your mind and calms you down, it’s been often proven to be
the single most effective way to live a happier life. I believe that this graphic explains it the best:
10. 學會感恩(Practice gratitude – increase both happiness and life satisfaction)
最後一個事實: 年紀大了也會讓你幸福些(想開了看透了???)
Quick last fact: Getting older will make yourself happier
圖片via: http://www.ideastream.org/news/npr/174767233