Level C recommendations. Given the concern over exposing children to ionizing radiation, consider using ultrasound as the initial imaging modality. In cases in which the diagnosis remains uncertain after ultrasound, CT may be performed.
懷疑兒童闌尾炎用CT也是因為怕被告。 很悲哀的原因。 非常同情ER的醫師們。
Despite the advent of computed tomography (CT), appendicitis remains a high-frequency malpractice risk for emergency physicians. Appendicitis is the second most common cause of malpractice litigation in children 6 to 17 years old. Even in the hands of the most experienced clinicians, accurately diagnosing appendicitis can be challenging.
兒外,兒腫瘤科有很多希望能不用就不用CT的鼓吹者。 他們認為瘦瘦的成人懷疑闌尾炎先用B超效果也應不錯。 國人符合標準的應該不少。可惜美國沒有人做。這些都不是我的原創, 隻是追隨者而已:】。