她是invasive ductal carcinoma, ductal carcinoma in situ,MRI照出來是2.4cm, 做了lumpectomy. 手術切出來後居然是3.5cm.而且邊界沒有切幹淨。報告上這樣寫到:
Final margin status:
Invasive component is present at the anterior and super margins and is greater than 0.5cm from all other margins
In situ component is less than 0.1cm from anterior and superior margins and greater than 0.5cm from all other margins.
請問這是說腫瘤已經被竊出來了,隻是邊界上有一些殘留的癌細胞呢? 還是說腫瘤本身可能還有一部分留在體內了呢?如果是這樣,是不是這個腫瘤可能不止3.5cm?
另外除了super margins and anterior margin, 其它margins夠嗎? (0.5 cm).
手術醫生要再切一次,說lumpectomy + radiation == mastectomy. 有些朋友建議全切更安全。各位又聽說過這樣要切兩次的狀況嗎?他們現在如何?
另外前哨淋巴結被切了兩個,有一個淋巴結有一個0.3mm的轉移。ER 90%, PR 95%. Her negative by IHC (1+) and FISH (ratio:0.98). Ki 67 is 5%. (Addendum note 中寫的是20%) oncotype RS is 26. 需要化療嗎?