我們不在一個頻道上,其實拉丁文很清楚,隻有crocus sativus 才是番紅花,其他不是

回答: 杜編說對了一半彩煙遊士2022-04-16 18:15:42
  • Crocus chrysanthus, also called “snow crocus” because it tends to bloom at least two weeks before others in the same genus.
  • C. tommasinianus, known also as “Tommasini’s crocus,” is named in honor of the long-ago mayor of Trieste, Italy (then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire), Muzio G. Spirito de Tommasini. He also happened to be a botanist. You may hear this species referred to as “woodland crocus” or even simply “tommies.”
  • C. vernus, which is sometimes known as “Dutch crocus” is native to the Pyrenees, Balkans, and Alps and is grown prolifically in – you guessed it – Holland. This species is larger and two weeks later to bloom than C. crysanthus.
  • C. sativus, the saffron crocus,  also called “autumn crocus” because it blooms in the fall, as opposed to the late winter and early spring flowering of other species. This is the species used to produce the spice saffron. Not to be confused with Colchicum autumnale, a different flower in Colchicaceae family that is also known as “autumn crocus.”
  • C. sieberi, a small, early bloomer that grows wild on the Greek island of Crete. For this reason, it’s often referred to as the Cretan crocus.