you can tell me what's really wrong with your Firefox installation other than the its limitation on some IE only features.
You complained but never gave a substantial reason, which hardly convince other readers.
Google bar has popup block at a expense of adding an entire toolbar. I used it and it did block popups but if offers no other substantial benefits and takes too much space in my opinion. Don't you know google search is also built-in in Firefox, just Ctrl+K type keywords and Enter. It's that easy.
Firefox has a no non-sense clean design that maximize screen real estate for one thing --- web browsing. And it does it prettry well.
Maybe I can help you if
I'm not against Firefox, other
(1288 bytes)
08/05/2004 postreply
回複:I'm not against Firefox,
(3312 bytes)
08/05/2004 postreply
one more thing to point out
(517 bytes)
08/05/2004 postreply
回複:回複:I'm not against Firefox,
(0 bytes)
08/23/2004 postreply