>> IE is simply. Because it is dominating the market,
>> what it introduces gradually becomes industry
>> "standards". And things become simplier. For example,
>> a few years ago you would see many .js files starting
>> with a test to determine what browser the visitor was
>> using. Now, nope.
That's why there are so called "web standards". When fully complaint, web authors don't have to worry about what web browsers users have. There are a collective "web standards" supported by both IE and Mozilla based browsers. However, Mozilla based browsers are simply more complaint. W3C is there not for nothing. They recommened something for the good future of the Internet.
>> Though IE is simply, there are many IE derivatives that
>> you can try to solve the pop-up and other problems. Even
>> better, they offer many new great features, which are not
>> seen in Firefox.
IE derivatives are in two categories: Toolbars and ActiveX controls. Both based on COM technologies. Toolbar is less interesting as far as I am concerned becasuse the feature it provides usually cannot offset the space it takes. ActiveX does provides better user experiences but also at the same time a big security thread. Everytime Microsoft steps up security, ActiveX capability gets weaker unless you fully trust the source. For paying bills online, checking web emails, bidding on ebay, browsing wenxuecity and even browsing msn.com, there is no visual rendering difference between two browsers.
>> And do you really think MS can't make IE better, earlier
>> than this month? You must realize that there are many
>> people making a living by writing windows software.
>> Their supports have contributed tp MS' growth. I think
>> it is an MS trick. So users can choose whatever they
>> like to make IE better. Do you agree that different
>> people have diferent needs?
I am MS solution developer and keep really close relationship with MS but have to dance with MS without stepping on its toes. So I know what you mean. MS stops improving IE is that it realized that emerging web proposals can make Windows less important as a desktop OS. Developers can extend IE, but some fundamental features simply cannot be changed such as rendering engine, parsing engine, etc. I wish Microsoft at least make IE more compliant with recent new W3C recommendations (standards).
>> On the other hand, Netscape, Firefox and things in between
>> have tried to do it all in house. Well, there are many
>> other reasons, but they failed and Firefox could be the
>> next one.
Netscape is the first to have plug-in open architecture and barely changed anything on that. It is for multiple platform vs. Windows only COM based IE extensions.
Cool down. It is just my opinion.
>> My 2 cents.
Maybe using Firefox has blocked yourself from other alternatives?
>> I never liked Netscape Communicator and Mozilla. They along with FireFox came from the same source. Firefox simply made something right (simplest interface, IE compatible hotkeys, lightweight, fast rendering engine, better standards compliant, popup block and a lot more) so I started using it.
Alright, you use your IE, I use my Firefox, Peace!
回複:I'm not against Firefox,
one more thing to point out
(517 bytes)
08/05/2004 postreply
回複:回複:I'm not against Firefox,
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08/23/2004 postreply