1) pinged, ttl = 128
2) pinged yahoo.com, ttl = 52. no packet lost
3) ipconfig does not seem hardware being wrong
the problem is - when trying to log on to a secured gateway, there is no pop-up prompt for password, of course it will not be able to log on. does it sound like a window issue or driver issue?
thanks. here are results:
• It seems that the router does not recognize your mac address -kapper- ♂ (1340 bytes) () 11/07/2014 postreply 12:02:40
• Just another thought -- Verifying the connection between your la -kapper- ♂ (1784 bytes) () 11/07/2014 postreply 20:31:23
• thank you much. here is more info -老生長談- ♂ (652 bytes) () 11/08/2014 postreply 13:54:02