It seems that the router does not recognize your mac address

回答: thanks. here are results:老生長談2014-11-06 17:59:44

Based on the test results, your nic and the Internet connection are working fine. It is unlikely neither window nor driver’s issue. My guess the problem may be because the router does not recognize your mac address. I assume that you have changed your nic recently. The new mac address for nic is not on the router’s permission list, therefore this no pop-up window for authentication.

For network security reason, default gateway router can be configured to only allow certain network hosts to access the network. This is achieved by manully configuring the hosts’ mac addresses on the router’s

Dependenting on how the gateway router is configured, no pop-up window for authentication means that your connection is dropped by the router.

Security violation modes
Violation mode Forwards traffic Sends syslog message Displays error message Increases violation counter Shut down ports
protect No No No No No
restrict No Yes No Yes No
shutdown No No No Yes Yes

I assume you try to remotely log into a secured gateway of an organization. To solve this problem, you need to contact network administrator to register your new laptop nic mac address on the default gateway router acess list.
