
文中的英文部分摘自我給L的郵件(稍微做了一些改動)。其實給她寫郵件的原因之一就是自己有個記錄。所以她應該很清楚我有比較好的documentation for everything going on.

我已經拒了單位內部的那個工作。她們不能match我現在的薪水。這個工作因為是patient finance,和我的專業以及以前的工作經驗關係不大。她們之所以對我感興趣是因為我現在的工作和這個職位的工作有交叉,她們也完全有把握我可以勝任(很快上手)和我現在不交叉那部分的工作。但憑我是這個領域的新人(也沒有工作相關的學位和經驗),如果想離開這個新職位去找工資高的職位不太可能。我本來想如果她們可以匹配我現在的薪酬的話,我會在這個職位上呆一段時間的。

我上星期一counter了外部那個工作給的薪水。上周發生的另外一件事是,我的director R讓我培訓的那個新人T (入職隻有9個月)找到了新工作。看到她要走,我更覺得我需要盡快離開。我們部門共5個人。同時走2個人是對R這種失道寡助的人最好的報應。我和T是hourly employees. 剩下的3個人是salaried. 這3個人本來就在超負荷的工作,因為軟件升級項目時間很緊。如果還要cover我們兩個人的工作,她們會忙的團團轉。估計也會想離開。其中兩個人以前做過我不打算去的那個工作。我告訴了其中一個人那個工作機會:)

Employee Relations 的L在調查R對我打擊報複這件事。我感覺她就是在故意拖延。我上星期還以為可能因為T要走吧,management應該也考慮到我上麵描述的這種情況。所以終於打算對我這件事更重視一些,應該是不想讓我也走人吧。這周星期一開完會才發現我太把自己當根蔥了。我,L和R 的頭Lilly開會wrap up我請求Lilly給我換領導的事。我一看Lilly的臉色就知道不好。她們找借口說R沒有對我報複。這個結果也不是完全在我的預料之外。會上我都懶得問任何問題。會後我寫郵件給L總結了會議結果。當天晚上我意識到我以前太專注於R對我的報複了,其實discrimination也是很嚴重的問題。R讓其他人8:30或者8:45上班,而我必須8點到。其他人早上有事來晚了,可以下午晚點走,以補上工作時間。而我不可以。R可能覺得自己贏了吧,在周二的例會上又開始咄咄逼人。我又電郵L並且拷貝了她的經理,問她歧視的事她調查的怎麽樣了。並且說I had thought 我們單位is an equal opportunity employer. My starting time alone tells me otherwise. Thanks to Employee Relations and the management, R feels she can do whatever to me with no consequences. I’m sure pretty soon I would have more baseless accusations from her for you to investigate. Is that why you didn’t include her in yesterday’s meeting in fear that she just opens her mouth and new accusations against me leap out from nowhere? 她說她會和經理周三開會討論後給我答複。

我已經在星期二一大早officially接受了離家隻有一英裏的一個工作。即使工資少一些也不再在乎了。新單位要求做背景調查和毒品篩選。準確的starting date需要在背景調查後才能確定(兩周後或者10月底)。星期三一大早去做drug screen。因為走錯了路,等到了單位已經8點半了。因為想在去新單位之前的這三周左右過的平靜一些,所以希望偷偷的溜進單位,別讓那個bully Tina 看見我。結果她正在對著門的那個大辦公室和人聊天(T 和另外兩個同事),我遲到被她逮著了。I knew the next minute she would report my lateness to R. I finally couldn't take this constant surveillance of Tina on me anymore. I went in and told them all the things "someone" had reported to R, such as I mentioned in their office my pay increase rate, my starting hours at 8 and others at 8:30 or 8:45, and my friend’s visit to my office. I told them the consequences of these things by numerating the accusations R had made based on the information "someone" constantly feeding her. I had also told them L from Employee Relations was or is investigating the accusations.

On the way back to my office, I passed by Tina's. I knew she would report what just happened to R right away, so I told her to go ahead and report me. She accused me of creating a lot of drama, saying she reported me about the pay rate as I made others uncomfortable. I then asked her what the reason is for her to report to R that my friend had come to my office. That was when K (我們當地的一個director) intervened and told me to go to my office so I did.

About 20 minutes later, K called me to her office Webexing with L and R. K told me it's better for me to leave for the day for everyone to cool down. I asked her how about tomorrow or if I should collect my personal items in the office and take them home due to the possibility of being fired by 這個單位. She told me L would contact me later that day.

L called me and told me I'm now on paid suspension as I'm under investigation for "disruptive behaviors", not only for what happened on 9/27, but also for 9/26.

I had thought R had L investigate my "disruptive behaviors''. Then I learned from L some employees emailed her as they were "concerned" about my behaviors. I guess it's not that important whether the email was sent of their own free will or they were prompted by Tina/R to do so.

I'm not sure how 我們單位defines disruptive behaviors. I already detailed what happened on 9/27 in my previous email to L (上麵已經提到了). What I didn't say was that before I stood at their office door to make my case, they were chit chatting. The whole episode lasted about 3 minutes so I'm not really sure what I had interrupted (their chit chatting maybe?). My interaction with Tina lasted less than 2 minutes as K intervened right away.

It would be a joke if what happened on 9/26 could be called disruptive behaviors. After our team meeting ended at 11 AM, I went to speak with T. I asked her "didn't you hear that? She told me to use PTO just because I asked to leave an hour early. I know she let others make up hours, but I can't and that is discrimination". On the way out I realized I used to be able to make up hours too so I turned back and said I was allowed to do it before. R told me I'm not allowed only after she started to retaliate against me. The whole thing lasted less than 2 minutes.

I tried to think about yesterday morning why I couldn't tolerate Tina's constant spying anymore. I know with situations like this, I should have brought my grievance to R, Lilly or HR. L know very well what R would do if I tried to report Tina. Based on the meeting from Monday (9/25), I don't think I could expect justice and fairness from Lilly either. During the whole process working with Employee Relations, I found out I can't rely on HR either. Maybe subconsciously I felt I had to take matters into my own hands.  My action yesterday was on the spur of the moment, realizing most of the accusations R made against me were because of Tina. Her impending reporting to R about my tardiness and years of being mistreated and spied on by her was the last straw that triggered my actions.

Whatever the consequences would be, I do not regret what I did yesterday. If I had fought back when Tina first started to bully/mistreat me, I wouldn't have suffered this long, nor would其他三個前同事. I wouldn't have gotten into conflicts with R either and I wouldn't have to find a new job. I'm fighting back not just for myself, but also for my fellow colleagues. The world would be a better place if no one were treated unfairly or disrespectfully.

所以這兩天我就在家呆著。如果她們開除我的話,這算不算wrongful termination? 一個朋友已經給我推薦了一家律所。我可能不繼續追究。即使要追究,也要等到新單位站穩腳再說。



恭喜你找到新工作 -圓老扁- 給 圓老扁 發送悄悄話 圓老扁 的博客首頁 (60 bytes) () 09/28/2023 postreply 17:38:14

謝謝老扁網友的祝福!您的古文很好嘛:)祝中秋快樂,月圓事順! -FightCovid19- 給 FightCovid19 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/29/2023 postreply 07:20:14

FightConvid 19網友 , 請看進來: -蘇梅- 給 蘇梅 發送悄悄話 (1809 bytes) () 09/28/2023 postreply 18:35:36

謝謝蘇梅網友。非常好的建議!收錄了:)中秋快樂! -FightCovid19- 給 FightCovid19 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/29/2023 postreply 07:12:29

謝謝Julie網友的祝福!您的建議非常好, 我會銘記在心。我曾經在這個新單位工作過好幾年。 -FightCovid19- 給 FightCovid19 發送悄悄話 (236 bytes) () 09/29/2023 postreply 07:33:07

恭喜找到新工作。 -廢話多多- 給 廢話多多 發送悄悄話 廢話多多 的博客首頁 (1369 bytes) () 09/29/2023 postreply 03:34:01

非常感謝多多版主的回複和祝福!您提的這個建議和推薦的書,對每個職場中人都有幫助。我已經收錄。 -FightCovid19- 給 FightCovid19 發送悄悄話 (911 bytes) () 09/29/2023 postreply 08:23:15

廢話多多其實是廢話一句也不多。:-) -老九不能走- 給 老九不能走 發送悄悄話 老九不能走 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/29/2023 postreply 09:56:04

是啊。我也這麽說過:) -FightCovid19- 給 FightCovid19 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/29/2023 postreply 10:05:11

祝你新工作順利!說實話,他們那些人固然有很多不好,但是你花了大量的精力和時間,在他們身上,也是不wise的。 -米奇的廚房- 給 米奇的廚房 發送悄悄話 米奇的廚房 的博客首頁 (156 bytes) () 09/29/2023 postreply 08:35:02

謝謝米奇網友的回複和祝福。您說的很對。我自己也很煩這種事情。我要開始不衝動engage R就好了。到後來和她鬥是被迫。 -FightCovid19- 給 FightCovid19 發送悄悄話 (290 bytes) () 09/29/2023 postreply 10:15:32

在Covid疫情期間,上海著名醫生張文宏就提出與病毒共存,事實證明這是科學合理的觀點和舉措,而非行政封控。那麽在職場上, -danren- 給 danren 發送悄悄話 danren 的博客首頁 (818 bytes) () 09/29/2023 postreply 21:36:44

謝謝danren網友的回複。您說的很有道理。我那天也是一時衝動。HR應該和Tina(或者讓R和她)談過話。 -FightCovid19- 給 FightCovid19 發送悄悄話 (412 bytes) () 10/01/2023 postreply 15:03:31
