You can still go to the contractor job interview

本帖於 2020-03-06 13:46:08 時間, 由普通用戶 One1618 編輯
回答: 再一次請求大家的建議?謝謝!heidi8762020-03-06 12:42:56


No need to answer the firm offer right away.  If he tries to hurry you, just tell him that you have an interview scheduled already that you need to go, while you are seriously considering his offer.

You always have options; don't let anyone tell you otherwise.  If someone does, he does not have your best interest in mind.  And that is OK.



Thanks! -heidi876- 給 heidi876 發送悄悄話 heidi876 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/06/2020 postreply 13:45:55
