This person became my co-worker. I still need work with him. It

He demanded me to send him all projects I have involved, with requirements, legal approvals, QA reviews, names of my stakeholders, business partners, etc. I had to say NO - I do not own any of those documentation/process, nor I am obligated to find those for him - he was involved in all the projects past month, he should have known better. He requested me to grant access to him and a group of people I have no clue (in India) to my personal data space - I have to ignore him - there are many sensitive data and I can't just share without checking with legal of their rights; he also demanded compliance team to have discussion with our partner Bank - accused Bank required too much audit and review reports and wanted to tell Bank to stop requesting those - of course, his request was rejected by the head of compliance; he stepped in one of my project meeting and tried to dominate which he has no experience, nor knowledge - one of our directors had to stop him during the meeting - told him to let me do my job because I built the whole process successfully. 

He complained to me that people were chasing him for data files or explanation of why the launch late, blah, blah.  I am speechless - he failed every single one, and business is losing money and new customers. 

I do not know how to stop him monitoring me 24/7 for every single email I sent, or every meeting I had/have.  

After I had a quick chat with new boss, I do not feel like there is hope to fix this issue either. New boss is Indian too. This may not sound like political correct. 
