Once again agreed

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but he is just a hourly paid contractor. He doesn’t have much leverage to bargain. He has to follow the instructions from his supervisor. And he doesn’t have the so called “critical or key “ knowledge and skills   He just know a bit more or more skillful.   Yes you have to be assertive. But not in this case. The supervisor has the authority and right to ask him to teach and share his knowledge and skills 

so many people are not open kind and generous to teach or share. They believe they’re smart. The truth is they are not. People know very well if they don’t want to share or teach, and people know why they don’t   People will get rid of them once there’s a chance. 

There is nothing that you know but others don’t know or learn to know. It’s always good to you yourself, to other and to the company to teach and share. You have to teach and share almost in every company or an organization. Otherwise you are not a team player and you are not welcomed.  You will be gone or isolated.  We Chinese folks have this problems. That’s why NW spends some time to respond this post. 

Once agin you have to be used to share and teach to be a leader manager ceo , to be successful in your career and your life.   Thank you very much and it’s a great pleasure to share with you. Have a wonderful day 
