
回答: 老板無為,任由另一個不professional作為egghead2016-02-08 06:13:57

"因為工作量太大,公司HIRE了一個和我平級的新人。此人一來第一天,就對這裏的環境大發議論,指指點點,很多都是不ACCURATE 或者不是重點。"


"會上經常問一些概念性錯的問題,老板還說是GOOD POINT. 且經常在會上說VENDOR SUPPORT 不行,需要他來教他們。"



還是前麵說的一樣道理他想確立自己的地位。經常打斷別人的談話 is a bad manner. 這時候你需要做的是觀察分析一下自己,也是更好的了解一下自己的心理吧。For example, why發表一同或者別人知道的,或者無厘頭的話 bothers you so much? Maybe it is because you are worried that your own position in the company is being challenged – this reflects your own insecurity.


Try to avoid arguing in front of people who do not understand. It only makes you look as bad as he does.



問題是老板聽之任之,且有意無意的站在他這邊。老板一是不懂,無法做判斷,二我估計是為了平衡我,因為我最了解這裏的情況。照理,我工作很好,且幫助公司很多,一個新來的,沒有什麽CREDIT,老板應該相信我多一點,這是人之常情,但是老板好像對我的態度視乎是和他一樣,他一有想法,哪怕我覺得不make sense 的,老板都要拿出來討論。討論下來,老板也不下結論。"

Your boss only does something that bosses would normally do to their direct reports, i.e. (seemingly) impartial. It is perhaps your misconception that我工作很好,且幫助公司很多,一個新來的,沒有什麽CREDIT,老板應該相信我多一點. He is hired at the same position as yours, that means in your boss’mind he is as good and as credible as you are. And you need to accept it first. He is here to stay (at least for a while).


My 2 cents:

First, you need to relax. It is he who needs to work hard to establish himself, not you. You don’t need to change your way of working if it has served you well in the past. Focus on yourself, improve yourself all the time, don’t let him distract you, and stop being obsessed by what he says or does.

Second, helping your boss is helping yourself, chat with your boss from time to time and find out what his worries are. Be reminded that your boss hired him. It may take time for your boss to realise and accept whether he’s made a good choice or not.  

Be polite, be graceful and good mannered, give him opportunity to show what kind of person/worker he is. If he is a decent chap, he will become less aggressive once he feels he is accepted by his new colleagues. In the meantime, keep good terms with your boss, not to bad mouth him to your boss, spend some time and effort explaining technical details to your boss with a hint here and there that the ideas from the new hire may not be that great.




有道理! -多哥- 給 多哥 發送悄悄話 多哥 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/09/2016 postreply 07:51:16

回複 -egghead- 給 egghead 發送悄悄話 (265 bytes) () 02/09/2016 postreply 17:43:39

你老板的不作為應該是你老板的老板的問題,你操心太多,越界了.你隻不過是想要你老板關注而已. -魚兒離不開水- 給 魚兒離不開水 發送悄悄話 魚兒離不開水 的博客首頁 (80 bytes) () 02/12/2018 postreply 12:29:17
