在工作中就有 -- 美國社會的魅力就綻放出來了!:)人跟著你走,機會到處都有,要提拔你的,要給你投資的到處都有。
關鍵是要有東西! -- 人都不傻, they just check around, they'll find it.
要做到這一點, that's much more than go get MBA or what! -- Somebody thinks in that way? Then that's too far from business!
在工作中就有 -- 美國社會的魅力就綻放出來了!:)人跟著你走,機會到處都有,要提拔你的,要給你投資的到處都有。
關鍵是要有東西! -- 人都不傻, they just check around, they'll find it.
要做到這一點, that's much more than go get MBA or what! -- Somebody thinks in that way? Then that's too far from business!
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