
回答: 印度人是如何占領矽穀的a7a82014-06-01 12:06:32

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The only way forward is US Law makers need to help America and lets pray that God helps America

1. Ban outplacement by H1B dependent employers, till Cognizant, TCS, Wipro, Infosys etc are not tackled nothing can be done
2. US IT industry is controlled by South Indian means Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Naidu, Karnataka and Kerala, These people are very regional and especially people from Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Naidu never hire anybody outside there region, American won't ever see his/her resume getting pushed, also these South Indians give bribes to their South Indian managers on per hour basis.Recruiting companies are also owned by South Indians sitting in India again mainly in Andhra Pradesh who give resume to next layer and so on, each layer eats $8 per hour, even people from other parts of India are not welcome, so how will America ever get a chance, if someone talks about reality, the usual way is to insult that person, create Propaganda that Americans lack skills, in interviews also anybody outside South Indian region is insulted and discriminated, technical way of doing this is; say you don't have skills or person is not fit in team.
3. US corporate CEO's are also not getting ground reality, for small gains the whole country is loosing, so some personal restraint should be adopted by them although I doubt it. To me only way is Ban outplacement services by H1depedent employers, clear backlog of Green card applications, and force Indian managers to include other communities and people in teams, India is very divided and racist countries so only laws and strong enforcement of those laws will help, do it sooner then later.

This is very serious problem. I am totally agreed what describe regarding Indian. I received call only from Indian agency. They ask to sign form for less than 40$ per hours for SR. IT. Then if you lucky, if they can't found Indian IT(they have had priority) ,Indian manager will interview you with the team from India...so American citizen who pay Tax and stay in own country currently on unemployment, but  Indian with all types of visas110% working ...Is it Ridiculous. I don't understand how we can decrees % of unemployment, why is our government not support our citizen? I know all countries support own employee first, however in our country we have opposite way. Is it our government doesn't know about these problems? All IT job occupied by Indian from any level: from CTO, VP, managers to lower level.
We have to fix this problem immediately! Every day will be badly and badly.We can't found job,our  children can't found job after graduated from University,however all Indian will be reach and build mention in USA or India...Great.This really serious problem!
