
回答: need more senior resource??spotting2014-04-29 05:58:02


1、”我的工作經驗, TITILE, 和 PAST SALARY HISTORY, 都是senior level 的" -- but that's to you, not necessary to them;
"we need a more senior resource", translation, to them, there are still things missing in the candidate they interviewed.

2、Not asking question(s) when one was presented the chance might be a big mistake. This could be the chance that you can shine and make yourself standing out. There is a reason, other than courtesy, people give you a chance to ask question(s) druing interview process.

3、A senior resource ought to be round (多麵手)。Normally hiring manager expects senior resource to be more than just technically strong. They need to see passion and engagement from the candidate. so,

4、If I were the candidate, I'd turn the table around and start to interview them:

    who are your business users? who are the stake holders? how is the organization charted?
    what are ths business values of the system/applciation that we are charged to build? How does business view us?
    What is the architecture of the system/app? Why is it archetected/designed that way? Prods and cons? (you can shine here in the ask-and-answer process if you can click appropriately)
    where do you see the team five years from now?
    How do you motivate people? What do you like the most here? What do you like the least?
    Can you introduce me to the whole team? 

in a sense, I want them view me as someone who is passionated, and who wants to understand their business and engage their team.

Almost every "senior" guy has strong tech skills, what distingushes one often is NOT tech skills, it is those soft skills, believe it or not.

just my 2 cents.
