
來源: creek_人1 2014-03-31 12:51:52 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1097 bytes)
Thanks for your input! Yes, I have a  reseaon to change my job. My boss's boss doesn't like me, I have compained about her to my boss due to she didn't send me to training. Also I tried to transfer to another group among the same company, she tried to stop me to do so, I didnt listen to her. unfutunally I didn't transfer successfully.  In recent project assignement, almost everyone in our team is in the project except me, obviously she doesn't like me, I fell I dont have a future under her, that why I am looking for another job opportunity. I know she can't fire me, since I do well in my job, but evetually she will get rid of me. Anytime I finshed some work, she never reply my email. But to other people similar sceniro, she will reply.

The new job has a low risk, one thing in the job requirment, i never done at job, but I have learned it at school, I can catch up quick if the new job doesn't push so hard. 

Just shared with my Chinese friends and try to get different opions.

Thanks everyone for the input!


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