all IT workers from all contries have the same trait

來源: mondayadvisor 2014-02-05 22:11:52 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2328 bytes)

I have worked with coworkers from many other countries in many companies. To me, they all have the same trait: self-protection first when you ask them questions or helps. Many indian aggressive coworkers have been forced out by big boss of Indian race, while non-aggresive chinese coworkers stayed.

To my understanding, all managers do not like aggressive workers, especially talented and aggressive workers. They prefers promoting people who are dedicated followers to them, no matter what race they are. The first generations of chinese IT people usually older than the managers and more talented techincally than managers, the managers do not feel confortable in promoting them. Young generations have better chance, since they are younger than managers, and can follow the boss without agitating boss.

Many people got it wrong on how Indian IT people move into high level management jobs. Most of them got it by starting a successful startups, and later  they are bought out by other companies, and founders automatically become high level managers.

One key disavavantage that chinese IT people have is that they lack initiatives. If you just follow the orders, you at most get a front line manager job if your boss feel working with you confortably, no matter how talent you are.

Many chinese IT workers have PH.D degree, that is a drawback in your promotion. Your boss cannot feel confortably working with you. This is what white boiss told me once. Managers hate seeing his instructions picked apart by a PH.D subordinate. You burns your boss's confidence with your PH.D.

I have difficulty to find a job many years back, since my resume cannot pass the front line review, including google. Once my resume reaches VP hand, I am usually assured a good job. This is the same reason that those people acted self-protection, which I fully understood. In some interviews I have many years back, the interviewers lack of confidence, some told me I should not apply this job. In other words, mediorcre people can find job easily.

If you want to move into high level management positions, go to early startups or found one yourself, and fight for its success, this is a sure way to move into high level management positions.



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