want to write someting, fire some actions.
But, calm down, please.
3 years ago, we met the same situation, we almost wanted to suit.
But now, we think it did not deserve it. We are very happy we did not do anything too much. The only regret was we did wrote some emails to the HR talking about we worked there for many years etc, and one email to his supervisor, though not too bad.
Hope the following can do help:
1. be nice to her, we chinese good at 'Song li', maybe you want to try, not too expensive. I insist American are not that greedy.
Just try to keep a calm relation-ship.
I think this is good, though you will think it too hard or kinda '可欺' .
But be nice to others, be nice to yourselve.
2. Just do what you think is correct. Relax. Relax. Don`t push others, do not push yourself (more important and you need do it really, not pretend);
Just see what will happen.
Since pushing does not work, why doing it?
Give yourself relax, give others relax.
Maybe, maybe what you are worring about is just nothing; Maybe.
3.Preparing to leave. I think this is not easy. If we can, we will not worring.
All in all, 'Yu ren wei shan', u will not regret in the future. And you will think in the future: fortunately we did not burned out with her, why waste time, energy doing that, that will not bring u anything, except, maybe you think let u feel better; Not deserve it!!!
China stands here for thousands years. It seemed or seems we were or are weak.
But we stand here when others who looked stronger dissappeared.
Zhong yong zhi dao --- thousands of year`s 沉澱, not not good.
Good luck,
When u in a mood like this, u always
Thank you so much for your long reply.
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08/27/2013 postreply